what tends to be the correlation of intelligence scores of identical twins who reared together?

NCERT  Solutions for Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Intelligence And Aptitude


1. How do psychologists characterize and ascertain intelligence?
Ans. Psychological motion of intelligence is quite unlike from the common sensed motion of intelligence.
Generally people saw intelligence as mental alacrity, ready art, quickness in learning and ability to sympathise relationships.
Oxford lexicon explained intelligence equally the power of perceiving, learning agreement and knowing.
Appropriately Alfred Binet also used these attributes and defined intelligence as ability to judge well, understand well and reason well.Later on Wechsler gave a comprehensive definition in terms of its functionality, i.e., its value for adaptation to environment. He divers intelligence equally "the global and aggregate chapters of an private to remember rationally, act purposefully and to deal finer with his/her surroundings."
Present day psychologists such every bit Gardner and Sternberg emphasized that "Intelligent private not merely adapts to the surroundings, merely actively modifies or shapes it."
Sternberg views intelligence every bit " the ability to adjust, to shape and select environs to accomplish ones goals and those of ones club and culture."

2.What extent is our intelligence the result of heredity (nature) and environment (nurture)? Discuss. (CBSE 2014)
Ans. (i) Whether intelligence is evolved or it is adult due to the environs, is a question of debate.
(ii)Lot of studies take been done to determine the part of nature and nurture.
(iii)Here we will talk over the controversy with the help of various twin studies, adoption studies and environmental studies.
On the basis of twin studies co-relation results are equally follows:
(i)Identical twins reared together correlate 0.xc
(ii)Identical twins reported early in childhood and reared in different environments correlate 0.72
(three)Congenial twins reared together correlate 0.lx
(iv)Siblings reared together correlate 0.fifty
(v) Siblings reared autonomously correlate 0.25
•Adoption Studies before the Age of 6-7 Years
These studies of adopted children bear witness that children'south intelligence is more similar to their biological parents.
These studies provide bear witness that intelligence is adamant because of nature.
•Adoption Studies after the Historic period of 6-vii Years
According to these studies as children grew older tends to more than closer to that of their adoptive parents.
Environmental Studies
Evidence for the influence of environment (Nurture) on the basis of Twin studies.
(i) The intelligence score of twins reared apart every bit they grew older, tends to more closer to that of their adoptive parents.
(ii)On the basis of differences in environment, children from disadvantaged homes adopted into families with higher, socio-economic status exhibit an increase in their intelligence scores.
(3)Environmental deprivation lowers intelligence. Factors such as nutrition, good family background and quality schooling increase growth rate of intelligence.
(iv)There is general consensus among psychologists that intelligence is a product of circuitous interaction of heredity (Nature) and environment (Nurture).
(v)Heredity provides the potentials and sets a range of growth whereas environment facilitates the development of intelligence.

three. Explicate briefly the multiple intelligences identified by Gardner. (CBSE 2008)
Ans. Gardner'due south theory based on information processing approaches functions on 3 basic principles:
(i)Intelligence is not a single entity, there exist multiple intelligences.
(ii)The intelligences are independent from each other.
(iii)Different types of intelligences work together to provide a solution of problem. Gardner has so far proposed eight intelligences, however all individuals do not possess them in equal proportion. The particular state of affairs or the context decides the prominence of one type of intelligence over the others.
Following are the 8 types of intelligence:
1.Linguistic: This is related to reading, writing, listening, talking, understanding etc. Poets exhibit this power ameliorate than others.
2.Logical-Mathematical: This type of intelligence deals with abstract reasoning and manipulation of symbols involved in numerical problems. Information technology is exhibited in scientific work.
3.Spatial: This type of intelligence is involved in perceiving third dimension germination of images. It is used while navigating in space, forming, transforming and using mental images. Sailors, engineers, surgeons, pilots, care drivers, sculptors and painters take highly developed spatial intelligence.
4.Musical: Persons with musical intelligence show sensitivity to pitch and tone required for singing, playing and instrument, composing and affectionate music etc.
5.Bodily Kinesthetic: It requires the skills and dexterity for fine coordinated motor movements, such as those required for dancing, athletics, surgery, craft making etc.
6.Inter-personal: It requires understanding of motives, feelings and behaviours of other people.sales people, politicians, teachers, clinicians and religious readers have loftier degree of inter-personal intelligence.
7. Intra-personal: It is related to understanding 1's self and developing a sense of identity, e.g., philosophers and spiritual leaders.
viii.Naturalistic: It is related to recognizing the flora and creature, i.e., natural globe and making a distinction in the natural world. It is more possessed by hunters, farmers, tourists, students of biological sciences etc.

4. How does the Triarchic theory aid usa to empathize intelligence? (CBSE 2012-thirteen)
Ans. ane. Robert J. Sternberg proposes a theory of intelligence based on information
processing approach in 1985 known as the Triarchic theory of intelligence.
2. According to Sternberg, intelligence is an ability to adapt, to shape and select surroundings to accomplish ones goals and those of ones social club and civilization.
3. This theory attempts to understand the cognitive processes involved in problem solving.
4. According to him there are three types of intelligences:
(i)Componential intelligence (Analytical): This dimension specifies the cerebral processes that underlie an intelligent behaviour.
This dimension serves three different functions:
(a)Knowledge acquisition components: These are the processes used in learning, encoding, combining and comparing information.
(b)Metacomponents: 'Meta' means higher. These are executive processes. They control monitor and evaluate cognitive processing.
(c)Performance components: These components execute strategies prepared by metacomponents to perform a task.For instance, While studying students programme the lesson chapterwise, they make
schedules, categories the learning material and do integrate the information to comprehend well.
(ii)Experiential intelligence (Creative): This dimension specifies how experiences effect intelligence and how intelligence effects a person'southward experiences.
(Đ°)Experiential intelligence refers to an individual'southward ability to make utilize of one'south past experiences to bargain with novel situations creatively and effectively.
(b)This intelligence is mostly high among scientists and creative people.
(c) For case if a person is trapped in a room, he finds out a manner of coming out of the room using rope or ladder etc. in a artistic way. He had some cognition of getting out from this situation by watching out a moving-picture show few years dorsum.
(iii)Contextual intelligence (Applied): This dimension specifies the ability to deal with environmental demands on daily basis.
(a)Information technology is individual'southward power to brand employ of his/her potential to deal with day-to-day life.
(b)It may exist called street smartness or 'concern sense'.
(c)People loftier in this ability are successful in life.
•It deals with the ways people handle finer their environmental demands and adapt to unlike contexts with available resources.

v. Any intellectual action involves the independent functioning of 3 'neurological systems'. Explain with reference to PASS model.
Ans. Co-ordinate to PASS model, theory based on information processing approach, intellectual action involves the interdependent functioning of the three neurological systems called the functional units of the brain.
These units are responsible for:
•the arousal and attention. • the simultaneous and successive processing.
•the planning.
Arousal and Attention
(i)State of arousal helps in attention to the stimuli.
(2)Arousal and attention enable a person to process data.
(iii)Optimal level of arousal focuses our attention on relevant aspects of a trouble.
(iv)Too much or besides little arousal interferes with attention and performance. Example: Arousal helps the individual to focus ones attending on reading, learning and revising the contents of the fabric to exist learnt.
Simultaneous and Successive Processing:
Simultaneous Processing refers to perceiving relations amongst various concepts and integrate them into meaningful patterns for comprehension!
For eastward.chiliad., in Raven'south standard progressive matrices (RSPM Test) choosing appropriate blueprint past comprehending relationship.
Successive Processing refers to recalling information serially so that one recall leads to another remember. For example, learning of digits and letters and multiplication tables.
one.After the information is attended to and processed, planning is activated.
two.Planning involves reaching to the target and evaluating their effectiveness. Planning allows the states to think of possible courses of action and implementing them.
3.If a plan does not piece of work, it is modified to suit the requirements of the task or the situation.
4.For instance, to accept a test scheduled past your teacher, yous'd have to set goals, plan a time schedule of studies, become clarifications in example of issues or think of other ways to meet your goals.

6. Are at that place cultural differences in the conceptualisation of intelligence?
Ans. Aye, culture, which is a set of behavior, community, attitudes and achievements in art of literature, affects the process of intellectual development.
•According to Sternberg, intelligence is a production of culture.
•Vyotsky believes that while elementary7 mental operations are common, higher mental activities like problem-solving and thinking are culturally produced.
•Technological Intelligence
(i)Promotes an individualistic blueprint of activity.
(ii)Individuals in technologically educated western societies possess this kind of intelligence.
(iii)They are well versed in skills of attention, observation, assay, speed, moves abstraction, generalisation, creativity, Minimum moves etc.
•Integral Intelligence
(i)Intelligence in the Indian tradition is integral intelligence.
(ii)It views intelligence from a holistic perspective.
(iii)It gives equal attending to cognitive and non-cognitive processes, likewise as their integration.
(iv)'Buddhi' is the knowledge of one'south ain self based on conscience, volition and desire.
(v)It has effective, motivational likewise as cognitive components. .
Information technology includes:
(i)Cognitive competence (discrimination, problem-solving).
(two)Social competence (respect for elders, business organisation for others, respecting opinions of others).
(iii)Emotional competence (cocky regulation, self monitoring). '
(four)Entrepreneurial competence commitment, persistence, patience).

seven. What is IQ? How do psychologists classify people on the bases of their IQ scores?
Ans. (i)IQ is an index of brightness.
(2)It is the ratio of mental historic period to chronological historic period.
(iii)The concept of IQ was given by William. Stern w7ho gave the formula to calculate IQ i.e.,
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Intelligence And Aptitude Q7
•IQ is relatively stable.
•It is a adept predictor of potential.
•IQ scores are distributed in a population in such a way that most people tend to fall in the middle range of the distribution.
•This tin be shown in the class of following tabular array.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Intelligence And Aptitude Q7.1

8.Discuss various types of intelligence tests.
How tin can you lot differentiate between exact and operation tests of intelligence?
(CBSE 2008, 2014)
Ans. Types of Intelligence Tests:
Private or group tests based on contact: .
Private Test:
(i)Administered to one individual at a fourth dimension.
(two)Requires the administrator to establish a rapport with the subject field and be sensitive to his/her feelings, mood and expressions during the testing sessions which provides understanding of other aspects of subjects personality.
(iii)Allows people to answer orally or in written form or dispense the objects equally per the tester'south instructions.
• Example: Stanford Binet intelligence scale, WAIS, WISSC, Alexander Pass along examination.
Grouping Test:
(i)Administered to several individuals at a fourth dimension simultaneously.
(2)Exercise not permit an opportunity to exist familiar with the subjects' feelings.
(iii)Seek answers in a Multiple-selection format.
(4)It is relatively economical and less fourth dimension consuming.
(v)Instance: Group Test of Intelligence by Prayag Mehta, Group Examination on Intelligence past S. Jalota.
Exact, Non-verbal and Performance Tests based on Mode of Assistants: Verbal Tests:
(i)Requires subject to give verbal responses either orally or in written form.
(two)Can exist administered to literates but. ,
(iii)Case: CIE, Verbal Group Test, Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale.
Non-verbal Test:
• Has pictures or illustrations as examination items.
•Instance: Ravens progressive matrices. In this exam the subject examines an incomplete pattern and chooses a figure from the alternatives that will consummate the pattern.
•Reduces culture biases.
•Example: SRPM, CIE Not-verbal group examination of Intelligence.
Performance Test:
•Requires the subject to manipulate objects to perform the test.
•Written language is not necessary for answering the items.
•Example: Kohs'south Block designs examination. Here the subject is asked to suit the blocks in a specified period to produce a given pattern, Bhatia's Bombardment performance test.
•Can exist administered to persons from different cultures and reduce civilization biases.
•Example: Draw a Man Test past Pramila Pathak, Kohs Block designs test.
Culture Biased or Culture Fair Tests based on Nature of Items used:
•Psychological tests that testify a bias toward the culture in which they are developed are Culture Biased Tests.
•Tests developed-in-America and Europe represent an urban and eye class cultural ethos. (Middle grade white subjects perform well on these tests). The items do not consider favourably to Asians and Africans.
•Civilization Fair Tests: One does not discriminate against as individuals belong to different cultures.
•Not-verbal and Performance Tests reduce cultural influences.
To overcome the limitation of Culture biased tests, Culture fair tests were developed, eastward.g. non-exact and performance tests are called so because people of any culture could take them. For e.grand. Standard progressive Matrices and Bhatia's Bombardment Performance Test.

ix. Hash out how coaction of Nature and Nurture influences intelligence.
All persons do non have the same intellectual chapters. How do individuals vary in their intellectual ability? Explain. (CBSE 2014)
Ans. All persons do non have the aforementioned intellectual chapters. They vary in their intellectual ability. Some are exceptionally bright and some are below boilerplate. Some possess loftier IQ range while others have average or below average.
All the scores gradually and symmetrically decline towards both the sides but never touch the X-centrality.
(i) The frequency distribution for the IQ scores tends to estimate a bell-shaped curve, called the normal curve. This type of distribution is symmetrical around the primal value, called the mean.
(ii) On the ground of IQ, people are classified in different groups. It is clear that only ii.two percent people who possess above 130 IQ range are very intelligent or very superior, their IQ score is more than than 130.
(iii) People falling between 90-109 IQ range are considered equally average. The mean IQ score in a population is 100. People with IQ scores in the range of xc-110 have normal intelligence.
(4) Those with IQ beneath 70 are suspected to have 'mental retardation'. Mental retardation refers to sub-average intellectual functioning. The behaviour is maladaptive and manifest in four forms i.e., balmy, moderate, severe and profound mental retardation.
The farthermost correct besides lie to 2.ii pct population which are known as gifted i.eastward., they enjoy exceptional intelligence, infrequent talent and exceptional creativity.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Psychology Chapter 1 Intelligence And Aptitude Q9

10.Which of the two lQ or EQ, do you think would be more related to success in life and Why?
Ans. (i) IQ is a good predictor of potential.
(ii) EQ is a proficient predictor of success.
-Researchers had proved that—EQ helps in dealing with students who are stressed and face challenges of the outside world.
-It improves the academic performance.
-Information technology is very useful in preparing students to face the challenges of life exterior the classroom.
-They are less anti-social and more co-operative.

11. How is 'Aptitude' different from 'interest1 and intelligence?
Ans. Aptitude:
(i)Bent refers to combination of characteristics indicative of an individual's potential to acquire some specific skills with training.
(ii)It is specific mental ability or teach power of an individual to learn a particular skill.
(iii)It is the potentiality to perform a item activity.
(iv)Aptitude is a determiner to acquire a particular skill.
(i)Involvement refers to preference for a particular activity or what one enjoys doing.
(2)Interest are acquired/learnt.
(3)Interest is a facilitator.
An individual with loftier scientific aptitude having potent involvement in mechanical activities is more likely to be successful mechanical engineer.
(i) Intelligence is a global and aggregate capacity of an individual to think rationally, act purposefully and to deal effectively with her/his environment.
(ii)Intelligence is a general mental ability.
(iii)Information technology is product of heredity and environment.
(iv)It does not require training for the growth.

12.How is creativity related to intelligence?(Delhi Board 2010)
How inventiveness and creativity tests are related but different from each other?
Ans. Creativity and intelligence are positively correlated because high ability is component of creativity, A highly intelligent person may non be creative but all the creative persons are definitely high in intelligence. _
(i)Creativity is the ability to produce ideas, objects, or problem solutions that are novel, appropriate and useful.
(2) Intelligence is subset of creativity.
(iii) Terman found that persons with high IQ were not necessarily creative. The aforementioned fourth dimension, artistic ideas could come up from persons who did not even one of those identified every bit gifted, followed up through out their adult life, had get well known for creativity in some field.
(four)Researchers have found that both loftier and depression level of creativity can be found in highly intelligent children and besides children of average intelligence. The same person can be creative as well as intelligent merely it is not necessary that intelligent once must be creative.
Creative tests are different from intelligence tests:
(i)Creative tests measure creative thinking ability whereas intelligence tests measure full general mental ability.
(two) Creative tests measure convergent and divergent thinking whereas intelligence test mensurate convergent thinking only.
(iii)Creative tests measure imagination and spontaneous expression to produce new ideas, to meet new relationship, to guess causes and consequences and power to put things in a new context. Intelligence tests measure potential.
(iv)In artistic tests questions are open-ended that have no specified answers whereas intelligence tests mostly use close-ended questions.

NCERT SolutionsHistoryPolitical ScienceSociologyPsychologyHumanities


Source: https://www.learncbse.in/ncert-solutions-for-class-12-psychology-chapter-1-intelligence-and-aptitude/

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